все таки меня прет, что одна из миссий DA2 каг бэ называется Wayward Son
а еще я хочу отметить, что Авелин и Изабелла - это один из прекраснейших френдшипов эва!
Isabela: "The difference between whores and courtesans is...well, they have nicer shoes."
Aveline: I think your shoes are fine.
Isabela: Look at you being funny! That might even get you a man someday.
Aveline: You're right.
Isabela: About?
Aveline: About knowing who you are.
Aveline: I'm the captain of the guard. I'm loyal, strong, and I don't look too bad naked.
Isabela: Exactly. And if I called you a mannish, awkward, ball-crushing do-gooder, you'd say...?
Aveline: (Calmly and firmly) Shut up, whore.
Isabela: That's my girl.
Aveline: I know you have to be prepared for the random phallus, but for your own safety, please shut your mouth!
а вот после этого диалога я щитаю надо забыть о всех проблемах с самооценкой
Aveline: How are you so successful with men? You're not that pretty.
Isabela: Cast a wide enough net, and you're bound to catch something.
Aveline: (Laughs) At least you're willing to admit it.
Isabela: Trust me. I've heard, "Get away from me, you pirate hag!" more times than I care to count.
Aveline: Doesn't that bother you?
Isabela: Why should it? They don't know me. I know me.
а еще я больше никогда не буду водить в одной пати Андерса и Себастьяня. Это ужас теперь и я пожалела, что нет кнопочки "вмешаться"