
no party with yusupov no cry
suddenly it's tuesday, and let it be Kit Harington's day

@темы: Game of Thrones, Это фишка Джерси, jpg

04.10.2011 в 20:03

let's either be awesome or fucking shit
fuck yeah!

04.10.2011 в 20:18

no party with yusupov no cry
so here we meet again!
i've been wainting

04.10.2011 в 20:24

let's either be awesome or fucking shit
how was your day, my dear?)

04.10.2011 в 20:48

no party with yusupov no cry
it was long and useless! and what about yours? do you feel better?

04.10.2011 в 20:50

let's either be awesome or fucking shit
a little bit, yeah ) we were rehearsing all day so I am deadly tired - but I really like that kinda things so I feel good )

04.10.2011 в 20:56

no party with yusupov no cry
i'm happy for you:kiss:
i'd be very glad if i found the thing in real life that wolud make me feel good

04.10.2011 в 20:59

let's either be awesome or fucking shit
thanks, hon :kiss:
but, well, tomorrow will be the show for which we rehearse today so since the Thursday I'll be back to my normal boring life again :laugh:
but I really hope you will find such a thing very very soon!!

04.10.2011 в 21:06

The Goddess of Doing Absolutely Nothing // Dead Girl Walking
Артур, король бриттов

04.10.2011 в 21:07

no party with yusupov no cry
Captain J., good luck to you tommorow!:kiss: everything will be awesome, i know it!
well, actually i know the way, i want to go, but i'm kinda skared to make a first step and call to have an interview for work:D

Jaqen, добро пожаловать на вечеринку!:D

04.10.2011 в 21:28

let's either be awesome or fucking shit
Чарльз Бровьер,
thank you, dear, I really apreciate it :squeeze:
don't be scared! relax and be yourself and show everyone how cool you are and do what you want to do! Charles for the win! :-D

04.10.2011 в 21:30

no party with yusupov no cry
Captain J., :squeeze:
oooooh, thank you:kiss: now it's just a mission - not to tell "Hi, my name is Charles" on the phone
and what about your gif

04.10.2011 в 21:36

let's either be awesome or fucking shit
Чарльз Бровьер,
that's the hardest part - I hate phone calls :lol:
but I believe in you :kiss:
oh yeah, plot is our everything :lol: :heart:

04.10.2011 в 21:49

no party with yusupov no cry
Captain J., i also hate phone calls. Son't know why, but it's easier for me just to come to the place and talk to somebody for real
but not on the phone:bubu:

yeah, all kind of plots:lol:

04.10.2011 в 21:57

let's either be awesome or fucking shit
oh, can I just say - I love Kit and his t-shirts... :lol:

04.10.2011 в 22:01

no party with yusupov no cry
yeah, he know how to roll it:D
and you know, that without this gif our evening would be empty, right?

04.10.2011 в 22:15

let's either be awesome or fucking shit
oh my boys :weep: :heart: :heart: :heart:

04.10.2011 в 22:18

no party with yusupov no cry
i'm not tired telling how much i love them:heart:

04.10.2011 в 22:30

let's either be awesome or fucking shit
I totally agree with you :heart:
and now it's definitely time for this photo -

04.10.2011 в 22:32

no party with yusupov no cry
Captain J., FAMILY PHOTO:heart::heart::heart:

and did u see the photo where greyjoy teaches starks to play cards?:D

04.10.2011 в 22:42

let's either be awesome or fucking shit
oh, the best brothers ever :inlove:
yeah, yeah, I see that photo!! :lol: badly done, Theon, what would lord Eddard say? :laugh:
Alfie looks so childich with them :heart:

another t-shirt detected!! :-D

04.10.2011 в 22:47

no party with yusupov no cry
let's hope Lord Stark won't know about it:D it will stay as a little secret:-D
yeah! he seems like the same age as them

oh god he likes them:lol:

04.10.2011 в 22:50

let's either be awesome or fucking shit
I want a fic about it, like... like about. f.e. Arya or Sansa winning someone in cards and then saying "I've got a really good teacher" :heart:

yeah, it seems to me that he kinda understand how hot he really is and do not want to hide it from the world :lol:

04.10.2011 в 22:52

no party with yusupov no cry

he found himself, i guess:lol:

04.10.2011 в 22:53

let's either be awesome or fucking shit

well he can let himself looking awesome because he really is kinda awesome :-D

04.10.2011 в 22:56

no party with yusupov no cry
i think we need a song 'everyboy loves me' for Kit:D

04.10.2011 в 22:59

let's either be awesome or fucking shit
I think 'do you think I'm sexy' will perfectly match to him :-D

04.10.2011 в 23:01

no party with yusupov no cry
also 'sexy back' is good too
04.10.2011 в 23:07

let's either be awesome or fucking shit
and 'don't you want me' :-D

04.10.2011 в 23:12

no party with yusupov no cry
and maybe...'ice ice baby'?:lol:
04.10.2011 в 23:17

let's either be awesome or fucking shit
goodness :lol::lol:

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